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Monday, 26 September 2011

Kitty Limerance is at None Of Your Business with No One Of Your Concern.

The noise of people determined to have a good time is almost deafening. I'm waiting for dinner at eleven o'clock on a Friday night, which, I'll grant you is late for dinner, but I'm a very busy person. Far too busy to have dinner at a reasonable hour. Just down the road is a pub bar night club type thing and the screams and whistles are pretty much at the level of a grand final football match. Looking around tonight I've seen a lot of people trying really hard to have fun, but very few who actually are. I've seen a lot of girls with blistered feet who can't seem to walk in their shoes, like wounded baby giraffes. All spindly legs and awkward skinny necks. I've seen a lot of guys freezing in their douche bag level v neck tees and no jacket and a whole bunch of people sitting around taking photos of themselves and updating on Facebook about what a great time they're having but not actually talking to the people they're supposed to be having the good time with.
One of my friends posted a photo to Facebook recently, a photo she had taken of herself. In the background, was another friend wholly absorbed in her iPhone. Is she tweeting? Texting? Facebooking? Playing Angry Birds? Updating her Period Planner? Who fucking knows. There were 5 people at that table. 2 of them were taking photos of themselves and the others were tapping away on their phones.
I would like to issue a challenge to the people going out this weekend. Put your Goddamned iPhones and cameras away! Stop checking in at every fucking place you go! I don't care if you've gone from Robarta to Big Mouth to The Saint, to The Metropol to Veludo, then back to Robarta and then to The Vineyard. And for Christ's sake, don't check in at home! Especially not every night.
Stop taking photos of yourselves! Nobody wants to see 106 photos uploaded every Sunday morning that are all of you pulling various stupid faces and saying how ugly you are. If you thought you looked bad, here's a tip: DON'T PUT IT ON THE INTERNET.
People have bemoaned long and loud about how hard it is to meet a guy now days. "Why don't guys approach me? I really want a boyfriend!" How do you expect guys to approach you when you're always taking photos of yourself, or texting the people next to you to say "I love this song!" People who sit in the corner pointing a camera at themselves and clicking away while trying to prove how funny and quirky they are don't make friends. People who get outrageously drunk and cry in the toilets don't make friends. Do I need to explain why?
This doesn't just go for girls either... It applies to guys. And those in between. (7 foot tall drag queen on my tram, twittering, I'm looking at you.)
I don't know why it's so hard to put down your phone, to put down your camera, to put down your fake tan and 7 inch shoes, to put down your check ins and status updates and 140 character limits, and actually go and live your life. I don't know why it's hard to pick up a book, pick up a real conversation or pick up a quiet beer with friends without broadcasting it, but it is.
No man is an island... We're so worried that we're not connecting to people that we're spending so much time reaching out via the internet and our phones that we're actually failing to engage with people in real life and are going the way of Gondwanaland.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to update my Facebook about this sick blog post. 

Sunday, 11 September 2011


Don’t talk to me about jeans. I cannot find jeans that fit all of me. I can find ones that fit around the waist, but are so baggy around my bum and legs, it sort of looks like I’m wearing pilchers with windsocks attached... Even the skinny leg jeans. I can find jeans that fit my bum and legs nicely, but almost cut me in half when I try to button them.
I’m just not the right shape for jeans. Or pants in general, really. I saw a lady at the shops who was wearing jeans that looked like they were made for her, or perhaps she was in some sort of nuclear accident and they became fused to her and are now part of her awesome super hero nature. I wanted to punch her in the face.
Where do you get jeans to fit you like that? How do you make them fit so well everywhere?
Do you wear them in the pool and then sit in the sun? Wear them in the microwave so they shrink like a crisp packet, but your body is there, so it goes to that exact shape? Grow cotton on your waist, so it will trail down your legs like they're some sort of splint and then fashion them into jeans?
Or on your ankles, because cotton probably grows up, not down? I don’t know. I’m not a farmer.
Maybe I should design my own pair of jeans and have someone make them. But they would be an unattractive shape. Like pregnant lady jeans. But without the cute baby bump section. Just a tummy pouch. OH GOD THAT IS THE WORST IDEA EVER. Just forget I said anything.
I know! I’ll get Apple Bottom jeans and turn them around! They’ll be Apple Belly jeans! For those that have no junk in their trunk, but some jelly in the belly.